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IT Maintenance

A maintenance contract is an essential part of any business more so with IT, MCS offer each customer a specific maintenance contract tailored to their needs. 


Business Handshake
Business Continuity

Business continuity and disaster recovery plans will increase the chances of resuming normal business operations with minimal of disruption. Every business needs a Disaster Recovery Plan.

Touchscreen Computer
IT Security

Cyber security should be at the forefront of any business. MCS provide a number of specialist security tools to keep your business protected online. Keep those viruses out.


Server Installation
Data Backup & Recovery

If you’re tired of managing backups with a mix of products for virtual and physical servers and workstations, Why not talk to us about the options we have from Cloud Backup to All-In -One backup solutions.

Graph on Computer
Bespoke Software

MCS can offer Bespoke software that will enable your business to excel. Why buy something off the shelf that doesnt do what you need. Bespoke is the way to go, contact us now to discuss your needs.

Data Cloud
Cloud Solutions

Create, edit and share important files with colleagues in real time. Not only can you use the cloud to store files but with Office 365 emails can be hosted off-site and security and critical updates will be done automatically.

© 2021 Marsdens Computer Systems Ltd

Tel: 01282 616176

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